- Catering Industry – Presidential Decree number 1/2016, January 4
Approval of the Catering Industry and similar activities Legal Framework.
- Investment advisory - Regulation number 1/2016, January 5
Approval of the rules applicable to registration, standard of conduct, investment advisory and financial analysis.
- Non-banking Finance Institutions - Regulation number 2/2016, January 5
Establishes the minimum share capital requirement of the non-banking finance institutions linked to the capital market and to investment.
- Transfer Prices - Ordinance number 75/2015, of December 31
Regulates the application of transfer pricing according to the Corporate Income Tax Code.
- Urban Lease - Law number 101/VIII/2016, January 6
Approve the Urban Lease Legal Regime.
- Tax Benefits Code - Law number 102/VIII/2016, January 6
Amendments to the Law number 26/VIII/2013, January 23, which approved the Tax Benefits Code.
- Independent Regulatory Authorities - Law number 103/VIII/2016, January 6
Amendments to the legal regime of the Independent Regulatory Authorities for the economic and financial sector.
- Public Business Sector - Law number 104/VIII/2016, January 6
Set out the principles and rules applicable to the public business sector.
- Arbitration on tax-related matters - Law number 108/VIII/2016, January 28
Establishes the arbitration as an alternative resolution mechanism for tax disputes.
- Autonomous Funds - Law number 109/VIII/2016, January 28
Approve the Legal Regime of the Autonomous Funds.