Regulatory Decree No. 2-A / 2021, of 28 May, was published, which defines the specific operationalisation of the 'IVAucher' program.
The program was created by the State Budget Law for 2021, aiming to support and stimulate the sectors of culture, restaurants, and accommodation, to a rapid recovery of those sectors in the face of the pandemic.
Under the "IVAucher", taxable individuals (consumers) will be able to use the value of VAT incurred in expenses incurred in June, July, and August in establishments in the sectors of culture, restaurants, and accommodation, to deduct in new expenses incurred in these same sectors in the months of October to December 2021.
The program has a temporary character, and it takes place in two phases:
a) Phase 1, in which the benefit is calculated based on the values borne by the consumer and communicated through the Finance Portal to the Tax Authority;
b) Phase 2, use of the benefit determined in phase 1.
Text written in accordance with the rules in force on 31 May 2021.