In Portugal, the use of drugs, preparations and substances based on the cannabis plant for medicinal purposes was approved by Law No. 33/2018, of 18 July, which was later regulated by Decree-Law No. 8/2019 of 15 January, allowing its cultivation, manufacture and marketing, by authorized economic operators, for medicinal purposes.
The most recent legislative novelty refers to Ordinance No. 83/2021, of 15 April, which defines the requirements and procedures for granting authorizations for the exercise of these activities.
Despite being a booming economic sector, the first authorization to place a cannabis-based product on the market was only granted by INFARMED at the beginning of the year 2021.
Thus, it is evident that more companies will be authorized in the very near future, and in view of the growing interest in implementing business in this area, we provide a brief summary of the legal framework applicable to the activities of cultivation, manufacturing, wholesale, import, export and transit of medicines, preparations or substances based on the cannabis plant for medicinal purposes.
As this market is extremely regulated, from production to marketing, we also highlight the main requirements and procedures to be followed by companies to obtain the necessary authorisations for cultivation and manufacturing, for example, and for the introduction and placement of products in the market.
This information is especially relevant for producers, traders, importers and exporters, transporters and other operators in the market for cannabis products for medicinal purposes.