After a period of public consultation in 2020, the DNS.PT Association, as the entity responsible for the management, operation, and maintenance of the top domain registration corresponding to Portugal, proceeded to change the rules applicable to the registration in the .pt domain.
The new rules came into force on 2 February 2021 and contained some changes compared to the previous regulation. Find out below the main changes verified.
- The list of admissible domain names for registration has been changed, and the prohibition on registering names contrary to public order and good customs, or domain names that would mislead or confuse about their ownership, for example, has been removed.
It should be noted that the registration of the corresponding domain name is not admissible:
a) a name already registered in the same hierarchy;
b) obscene language or words or expressions contrary to the law;
c) the national or European protected designation of origin or geographical indication;
d) geographical names;
e) the abusive reproduction of a trademark, name or designation of broad and generalized knowledge.
- The and classifiers were eliminated, being only possible to register new .pt domain names or under and classifiers.
Without prejudice, the registrations previously made with such extinct classifiers remain unchanged and in force.
- The DNS.PT Association is no longer obliged to inform, in due time, the management entities of the domain names of the approximation of the respective expiration dates of the domain names;
- The DNS.PT Association must communicate to those responsible for the domain name and the competent authorities whenever it identifies a domain name that sets up DNS Abuse, i.e., that supports activities for the spread of malware, phishing, pharming, botnets and/or spam.
- The disclosure of identification data (corporate name, address and e-mail address) of the holders and management entities, as legal persons, is mandatory and is carried out through the WhoIs database;
- The transfer of ownership of expired domain names is not admissible;
- The transfer of domain name management is done exclusively online.
- The predicted prices do not change, but the DNS.PT Association may change them at any time, without the need for prior notice.
See all .pt registration rules currently in force here.
This article was written following the regulations in force on 1 April 2021.